Health discipline teaching

Published by on the 4 November 2020

Flinders University is seeking participants to contribute to research for a PhD titled Reflections on health disciplines teaching of professional communication skills in response to COVID-19.

Dr Ann Luzeckyj’s PhD candidate, Liz McNeill, wants to identify which strategies have been used in the teaching of health care related professional communication skills during this pandemic.

Understanding how to optimise effective teaching and learning of professional communication skills in health-related areas, which occurred due to changes made during COVID-19 may enhance the way these skills are taught in the future. Ultimately improving patient outcomes, increasing safety and decreasing missed communication events. Additionally, addressing pitfalls in professional communication skills contributes to better teamwork higher team esteem and builds improved professional identity.

The link below also leads to an electronic participation information sheet link

Reflections on health disciplines teaching of professional communication skills in response to COVID-19 survey link

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