Responses to Government papers


April 2023: response to the Australian University Accord [PDF]


July 2016: CADAD responded to the Federal Government’s paper Driving Innovation, Fairness and Excellence in Australian Higher Education: [PDF]

June 2016: CADAD responded to the Federal Government’s  National Science and Innovation Agenda Engagement and Impact Assessment Consultation Paper: [PDF]

April 2016: CADAD made representations to the Minister for Education and Training, Senator Birmingham, on the (then) possible closure of the OLT. [PDF]

On 12 May 2016, Ms Di Weddell responded on behalf of the Minister. [PDF]


July 2015: CADAD submission on OLT successor – A new Learning and Teaching Institute [PDF]


June 2014: CADAD submission on the proposed Higher Education Standards Framework  [PDF]


August 2013 – CADAD response to the Assessing the wider benefits arising from university-based research discussion paper [PDF]


February 2012: response to the Development of Performance Measurement Instruments in Higher Education discussion paper [PDF]

February 2012: submission to Higher Education Learning and Teaching Review (Johns Report) [PDF]