CAULLT Executive Committee

The role of the Executive is to act for CAULLT in all respects except in those matters which are required by the Constitution to be determined by the members of CAULLT. The responsibilities of the Executive include: arranging and conducting meetings; developing and reviewing strategic directions; establishing and monitoring working parties to transact CAULLT business; and developing and maintaining effective communication channels between the Executive and members between meetings.


Professor Steven Warburton, University of Newcastle

Professor Warburton is Pro Vice-Chancellor Education Innovation at the University of Newcastle and a Fellow of the Centre for Distance Education University of London. He is an experienced senior executive with broad international experience having worked in the UK, New Zealand and Australia. He has led multiple digital transformation projects in Higher Education, across learning, teaching and assessment, academic quality, curriculum management and, academic development. He has published widely in the domain of technology enhanced learning and is a passionate advocate for design thinking approaches and the use of pattern languages in human centred design and problem solving.

Vice President

Professor Barbie Panther, Deakin University

Professor Barbie Panther is the Director, Teaching Capability at Deakin University where she has responsibility for professional development, recognition and reward programs in learning and teaching.  Barbie’s academic background is in chemistry and she is passionate about exploring the possibilities of digital learning, supporting the development of inclusive learning environments, and building capability of those who design, deliver, enable and lead learning and teaching.


Dr Andrea Adam, University of Tasmania

Dr Andrea Adam leads the Professional Learning and Recognition Portfolio within the Office of the Executive Director, Academic at UTAS. Her work focuses on enabling the growth of colleagues in higher education, including her peers in academic development.


Professor Ruth Greenaway, Southern Cross University

Professor Ruth Greenaway has 30 years’ experience leading and teaching in secondary and higher education and is a strategic leader who believes learning-centred curriculum design and teaching excellence is at the heart of institutional student success. Ruth’s goal is to lead and support staff in the scholarship of learning and teaching, development of innovative and transformational curriculum and digital fluency to deliver excellent learning experiences in the blended and online learning environments.

Ruth is passionate about equitable access to education and knowledge and embraces diversity and inclusion with a particular interest in embedding Indigenous knowledges and perspectives into the curriculum. She also has a keen interest in the design of innovative, technology-rich learning spaces and works alongside staff and students in the development and use of next-generation formal and non-formal learning spaces.

Ruth is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy recognising her sustained record of effective strategic leadership in academic practice and development and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Ruth was previously the Director of the Centre for Support and Advancement of Learning and Teaching and Director, Library Services at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Ruth is an executive member of the Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching (CAULLT), the peak professional body for leaders in university learning and teaching and an executive member (Treasurer) of HERDSA Queensland.

Ordinary Committee Members

Professor Michelle Picard, Flinders University

Professor Michelle Picard serves as Pro-Vice Chancellor Learning and Teaching Innovation at Flinders University. Michelle has held a number of leadership positions at the University of Adelaide, the University of Newcastle and Murdoch University prior to joining Flinders University. Her fields of expertise include all levels of academic literacy development including academic integrity, TESOL, higher education, online and blended learning and English for Academic Purposes and supervises in the fields of Education, Applied Linguistics and Media.

Professor Anthony Whitty, Australian Catholic University

Professor Anthony Whitty is the Director of the Centre for Education and Innovation at ACU, and the creator of ACU Thrive and  HELTA (Higher Education Learning and Teaching Academy). He has an extensive track record and commitment to good practice and the advancement of learning and teaching. His commitment to an inclusive and supportive environment that allows students, faculty, and staff to thrive and reach their full potential has been recognised with an AAUT Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Learning and Teaching.

His exceptional leadership and continued fostering of a culture of excellence within the academic community has culminated in his Advance HE Strategic Leadership Programme certification.


Executive Officer

Christa Jacenyik-Trawöger