Online exams project

Published by on the 2 July 2020

I am leading a study into how higher education institutions have or are considering sourcing and deploying online exam platforms and tools. We would like to invite you to an interview to discuss your experiences with online delivery of assessments and exams. You would be asked participate in a semi structured interview of approximately 30 minutes duration. The interview will be held on Zoom Video Conferencing with my co-researcher, Jacqueline Ruello. We are looking for insights (at a faculty or institutional level) from people involved in the decision making and implementation phases of online exams.

Our aim is twofold:

To identify pain points with current exam system(s) that might be alleviated by using technology to deliver exams.

To identify any potential benefits arising through the use of technology that could not be leveraged from traditional paper exams.

Participation is completely voluntary, and you may withdraw from the discussion at any time.

If you decide to take part in the study, you can do this by emailing Jacqueline Ruello ( and she will co-ordinate a time to have a chat.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Peter Bryant PhD | Associate Dean (Education) | Associate Professor | The University of Sydney Business School