University of Technology Sydney

Head of Centre

Jan McLean
Associate Professor

Reporting Relationship for Head

Reports to the DVC (Education and Students)


Structure and Staffing

IML comprises the Director, a small operations team and 4 teams of both academic and professional staff. IML’s purpose is to create the conditions for teaching, learning and curricula that bring the best possible higher education experience and outcomes for our students.

We achieve this through working in partnership with Faculties, within and across Divisions and, where possible, with students, to build capacity and collaborative cultures.

IML is in the division of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students). Our staff work collaboratively with each other, faculties and other support units across projects and initiatives that support learning and teaching at UTS.

Academic Language and Learning team (ALL)

The Academic Language and Learning team (ALL) provides expertise in developing discipline-specific approaches to embedding academic and professional literacies into undergraduate and postgraduate courses, with the aim of enhancing student learning and graduating students with excellent communication skills. We all have backgrounds in education and applied linguistics, and are experts at designing in language and literacy, that is we can work with you to make sure that the materials you develop are accessible by all students, including those students from non-traditional pathways and linguistically diverse backgrounds. We are also responsible for implementing the university-wide Embedding English Language (EEL) framework.

We work on:

  • curriculum development
  • co-design of subjects and tutorials activities
  • design of assessment tasks and marking rubrics
  • guest lectures related to specific assessments
  • team teaching
  • language assessment

Learner Experience (LX)

The Learner Experience (LX) team works with teaching staff, faculties and offices to enhance the learning experience of UTS students, with a focus on technology-enhanced learning.

The team works to create an environment where:

  • Teaching staff know how and why to design blended experiences that enhance learning, and make informed choices between different technology options
  • Teaching staff can easily access solutions, examples and ideas that are evidence-based and tailored to their context, around the use of technology in learning and teaching
  • There is a rich dialogue among staff about learning and teaching at UTS

Teaching and Curriculum Team (TACT)

The Teaching and Curriculum Team (TACT) enhance, promote and advance learning and teaching both online and on campus at UTS from a whole of institution perspective. The team assists and collaborates with faculties, course teams and individuals to support whole of course approaches to student learning experiences, curriculum design and teaching practices. Strategic priorities for TACT are closely aligned to the University’s UTS2027 Strategy. Current focus areas include:

  • Capacity building for learning and teaching
  • Leadership, engagement and partnerships
  • Scholarship and research

TACT strategies are delivered through a range of projects and programs, from webinars, short courses and the Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning, as well as discipline-specific offerings developed in collaboration with colleagues in the faculties.

University Academic Programs Office (UAPO)

The UAPO is responsible for the overall approval and management of curriculum data and information at UTS.

The UAPO oversees and coordinates the university curriculum approval process; maintains, manages and publishes official University curriculum data and information; supports the curriculum management systems and their users; advises senior executives, course leaders and professional staff on the University’s curriculum policies and procedures and curriculum management processes; and supports University courses committees.
