CQU virtual conference update
Tuesday 8 October 2019 9am
Virtual Scholarship of Teaching Conference The CQUniversity Academic Board proudly presents the 2019 Scholarship of Tertiary Teaching Virtual Conference to be held online on October 8 and 9, 2019. The conference is aimed at bringing together teaching scholars from across all teaching platforms to share insights and best practice in the field of teaching and learning, and will centre around the following themes:
COST: FREE. Registration includes access to all live sessions, online materials and recordings of presentations via a YouTube channel. Conference Website: http://lts.cqu.edu.au/conf/ Top right of page is registration link Or you can use this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KFS7RR7 In addition, a “Tertiary Teaching Training Wheels” workshop will be offered. This two-hour virtual training session will introduce the world of scholarship and scholarly activity to assist new tertiary teachers and teaching scholars navigate the tertiary sector and become strategic in their scholarly activity. This is a practical, hands-on session. |