ACSME 2020 online

Wednesday 30 September 2020 9am

The ACSME online conference will be held on September 30 to October 2. The new theme for ACSME 2020 is A science education for uncertain times, and the format will follow that of previous conferences, with invited speakers, panels, and poster and presentations. Discipline workshops will be held on the third day.

We have an impressive lineup of speakers to analyse and discuss our experiences with going into emergency remote teaching, and what it all means for the future of science and mathematics education. Submissions from individual contributors are promising deep discussions across a range of topics to complement the keynote and panel presentations. These include experiences of remote teaching at the coal face, analysed from the perspective of teachers, students and support staff. The program also includes themes of current focus in science education such as indigenous science. You can see the full program here.

If you have not yet registered for ACSME 2020, make sure you do so before September 18. Register here.

For further information, check the  ACSME 2020 website.