
ACODE: lectures survey

Published by on 21 January 2021

ACODE President, Prof Michael Sankey, is asking HE institutions to participate in this topical research. We are going to kick-off...

On being an academic

Published by on 12 November 2020

The leaders of the CAULLT funded project Academic archetypes: Understanding the experience of being an academic in Australian universities, Helen...

Health discipline teaching

Published by on 4 November 2020

Flinders University is seeking participants to contribute to research for a PhD titled Reflections on health disciplines teaching of professional...

CALDMR online learning

Published by on 3 November 2020

Members are invited to participate in a National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE)-funded research study, titled COVID-19...

Intensive mode tales wanted

Published by on 26 August 2020

Are you or colleagues at your university working with intensive (accelerated/compressed/block/burst/…?) modes of learning and teaching? Would you like to...

NCSEHE impact report

Published by on 19 August 2020

The National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE) is seeking information on changes in online education delivery practice/policy...

New ANZSRC classifications

Published by on 11 August 2020

Higher Education Research Classifications Update The Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classifications have recently been updated following extensive consultation with researchers,...

Online exams project

Published by on 2 July 2020

I am leading a study into how higher education institutions have or are considering sourcing and deploying online exam platforms...

OER repositories project

Published by on 22 November 2019

The Center for Open Education Research, University of Oldenburg, Germany, is conducting an international study on open educational resources is...