Wellbeings lead well being

Project Complete Published by on the 27 June 2017



(A director’s development fund grant)

As a Director of an Academic Development Unit (ADU) with 38 staff and almost 3 years’ experience, I feel that I would greatly benefit from targeted resilience, wellbeing and positive psychology professional development. Performing these elements in a managerial/leadership role are becoming increasing important as central ADUs exist in a variety of challenging contexts within higher education institutions. As a senior leader within my institution, I balance tasks that require strategic thinking, planning, collaboration, negotiation, governance, policy development and change management, all within the context of human resource management and leadership. Professional development specific to wellbeing and balance is rarely mentioned or fostered at senior levels, yet is critical to ensure stability in the senior team of any ADU. I believe that attending a networking evening session and a one day conference titled ‘Unleashing the Power of Confidence: Strengths Based Perspectives and Wellbeing’ (Organised by Australian Council for Educational Leaders [ACEL]) will be beneficial for my development as an early-career ADU Director.

Nina presented to the CADAD conference in April 2017: here


Project Resources

Wellbeings lead Well Being (presentation)